Thursday, October 23, 2008



won't let me upload posters.... how annoying

v ray renders

i used v ray to render through sketchup, was more difficult but with some photoshop they came up far better than anything sketchup can produce

internal view looking east out from the library

aerial view

east elevation

plans and sections

some views out of the sketchup model

the cafe space with operable wall

the mezzanine level with light well cut through

the circulation desk looking towards the reference section

building allocation

for the final presentation i'm doing the end keystone building that comprises of a library, cafe and some classrooms

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

our masterplan submission


A site analysis of the existing property

formation of classroom spaces

A section through school

wind analysis of the proposed school masterplan

planting suggestions for the school - native plants

Thursday, August 21, 2008

small animation

the frame rate isn't too great but it still came up alright

some random images

renders and model

context image...very punchy

fluid mapping


early sketches of some form ideas and passive solar lighting

A list of possible environmental concepts

more developed forms

section experimentation through both the wall and focusing on the roof

the final A3 storyboard

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

another go at an animation with an updated model

Monday, August 11, 2008

form experimentation

here is a quick animation i did, nothing special but i was just trying to work out how to do one!

here is are a few quick images showing the direction our group is moving in, we are going to have a core unit that contains all the important stuff with smaller more flexible pods attached to it

Thursday, July 31, 2008

visit to old demountable classrooms

obviously slightly older than the last demountables looked at, by the looks of it they have been here their entire life. Haven't been looked after or maintained

maybe the architect wanted the 'derelict' look

Mod 5 Visit

We did a group visit to a local highschool, found a mod-5 classroom, upon a pretty brief inspection it became pretty obvious that there must be a better solution.

pretty uninspiring place for learning

we had a look at how it sits on the ground, might provide a precedent for the next stage of the project

the joints between 2 sections of the classroom, just bolted together, the seams are held with press riveted joints
services are not integrated but just tacked on to the back to make them less visible